Hatha yoga – the initial step in the practice of yoga, which allows one to become acquainted with ones capabilities, learn to control the internal flow of energy, and harmonize ones life. The purpose of practicing hatha yoga is to learn how to combine the positive (HA) and regressive (THA) energies. It teaches us how to find the inner balance point, allowing one to be cheerful, happy and stress-free and at the same time to be contemplative and calm without apathy and laziness. Hatha Yoga is a set of specific postures, which aims to improve muscle tone, joint mobility, blood circulation, metabolism, vitality and breathing practices that improve brain function, clears the understanding and perception, normalizes the activity of the nervous system and increases resistance to stress of all kinds.
The combination of asanas (postures), breathing, work with energy and concentration leads to the meditative state in which we are in touch with our essence, our inner world and the real self. Hatha-Yoga brings awareness, mental peace and has an excellent therapeutic effect on all body systems (nervous, endocrine, circulatory etc.) Hatha Yoga classes are designed for beginners, so the student need not be concerned if they cannot practice the asanas perfectly or have difficulties with breathing practices. In Hatha Yoga there is no such a thing as a spirit of competition, superiority or comparison. Hatha Yoga promotes inner desire, sustained perseverance, composure, self-discipline and patience. The main rule of Hatha Yoga is that we should avoid all violence to the body. This type of training prepares beginners for more complex and advanced practices of Yoga.